White Shirt Monday: Playing Cards

[As if sprung from a deck of cards you would not mind to have in your hands: Sena Jurinac (Octavian) as the silver knight in Strauss’ “Rosenkavalier”, Act II, right before deflating the ego of Ochs (Otto Edelmann), though not much, by a tiny scrape of the arm, Salzburg 1960, movie edition]

Only one of these guys is valid, and it none of the cis guys. The end.

(I should probably be more critical of 1960 imaginations of the 1750s by people active in the 1940s, but maybe queering said imaginations, or simply pointing to their inherent queerness and making that the sole focus is at least dismantling author intentions and focusing on gay rights instead.)

6 thoughts on “White Shirt Monday: Playing Cards”

  1. “simply pointing to their inherent queerness and making that the sole focus” is one of your art forms, in which you’ve achieved triumphs. Queer Eye for the ‘Straight’ Opera, you could work it up as a sort of Anna Russell monologue.
    That decor! Flat and writhing at the same time. And those light standards!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. MGM Vienna. Downstairs of this a swimming pool with Esther Williams.
    Crawling skin was part of the high life before the First War, one gathers.


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