White Shirt Monday: an intermezzo

jbirkin by intermezzo[Jane Birkin in concert at Cadogan Hall, London 2013 – Photo Credit (and all credit): Intermezzo]

Yes, I know. Birkin isn’t a mezzo-soprano (or is she?), it’s not an opera program, and it’s – depending on the definition of what makes a “classic” – not even classial music. But…


Damn, can that woman wear a White Shirt, or what?! – Excuse me while I swoon for a minute!

I wager we’d immediately let her roam the opera stages in a variety of trouser (or not so trouser) roles with that attitude.

For a bigger sized version of the above photo, a concert report and many more stunning photos, get thee to Intermezzo’s review, whom we thank for bringing this example of A-grade whiteshirtery to our attention.

5 thoughts on “White Shirt Monday: an intermezzo”

  1. One could hardly come across a better proof of durable beauty in a day’s march. I always feel a wave of incredulity wash over me whenever I see her picture. She was breathtakingly lovely when she was young, and still retains the peerless structure that gave her looks such great distinction. I believe her daughter Charlotte Gainsbourg is also a singer, and she is quite easy on the eyes as well.


    1. young Birkin (much like Young Deneuve) don’t catch my eye much, I have to admit, but once they hit the 40s barrier, they made me faint and continue to do so.


  2. Great sleeve rolling, wild and uninhibited, a bit like herself.

    Call me old fashioned though but I do think less is more when it comes to the shirt front though…


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