White Shirt Monday: Flower Delivery

[On the Street Where You Live Tobias Kratzer clearly said Trans Rights: Michèle Losier (Siebel) in Tobias Kratzer’s new staging of Gounod’s “Faust”, Paris/Opéra Bastille 2021]

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Mayhem at the Meat Plant: “L’incoronazione di Poppea” at Salzburg Festival


[Ensemble, Curtain Shot – “L’incoronazione di Poppea”, Salzburg 2018]

If I had to come up with a single thing that stood out about the new Salzburg „Poppea“, I would need a moment to choose, which is already a thing on its own: there was so much going on on stage and in the two integrated, slightly elevated pits, that it was impossible to process in its entirety. I am undecided whether this was a wholly purposeful move or more of a side effect from a directing perspective other than stage singing, and the space and attention that can command.

So what stood out?

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