Sound and Clouds and Thunder (12)

[Still a better candidate for Secretary of Education than the one who got confirmed: the Allegory of Madness, La Folie, from Rameau’s “Platée”, as called upon by Emmanuelle Haïm and Patricia Petibon, Paris/TCE 2011]

Current pastime amusement:  drawing up history book entries of the future about this (optimistically assuming people will still be literate then, and it won’t be thanks to those who confirmed this disgrace to sentient ambling across the surface of this battered planet).

Continue reading “Sound and Clouds and Thunder (12)”

Rosenkavaliering tonight

Bildschirmfoto 2016-12-06 um 18.10.47.png

On tonight at 8.15 p.m., UTC+1: Kasper Holten, Renée Fleming and Margaret Reynolds (Yes, that Margaret Reynolds. – Quick, you have two more hours to read “Ruggerio’s Deceptions, Cherubino’s Distractions”) talk about the new “Rosenkavalier” at ROH. The livestream will be accessible here.

(in a cumbersome twist of fate, I will be held up at another event and will not be able to watch, so please let me know what transpires, or if this might make it to YT on demand)