White Shirt Monday: Sole-Searching

[I case you’ve ever wished for young Annick Massis and Julie Andews Diana Montague to fall in love over some misplaced shoes to a Rossini score, search no more. (You have, you just didn’t know it yet). – Annick Massis (Adèle) and Diana Montague (Isolier) in Rossini’s “Le Comte Ory”, Glyndebourne 1995]

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…and today in “just how gay is Donizetti’s Maria Stuarda“?

Loy/Rittershaus White Shirt levels: clearly set to stun.

(I have no idea what is going on here, but far be it from me to protest.)

White Skirt IDAHOT

CalistoStrsbrg for IDAHOT

Singular instance (perhaps not if we staged more Venetian Baroque)? Elena Tsallagova (Calisto) and Vivica Genaux (Diana) on the brink of some love duetting in Cavalli’s “La Calisto”, Strasbourg 2017]

It’s May 17th, it’s IDAHOT – International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (and Queerphobia at large). It’s a day to remember that we all have bodies, and that how we read or shape or stage these bodies, how we live our truths in relation to them, and to whom these our bodies react (and how), does not make anybody or any body more valuable or ‘truer’ than the other.

Continue reading “White Skirt IDAHOT”