A 3/4 Million – Celebratory Search Terms

750,000 hits!

Another landmark for this blog, and time for another Search Terms edition, from the common to the obscure.

The most popular posts remain “Jonas Kaufmann gay?” (no, he isn’t), and “Malena Ernman muscle” (yes, the lady’s got guns), followed by the the Friday Night Conversation of Pepa & Silvia of Spain’s “Los hombres de Paco” – namely: “actresses real name”, “Pepa Silvia together in real life”, “Silvia dead in real life” and “what happen to Pepa after Silvia dies”.

Continue reading “A 3/4 Million – Celebratory Search Terms”

Ph.D. Madness: Postscriptum

So – after over a month – the aide of the secretary of the Dean finally called (yes, you can see waht kind of priority Ph.D. diplomas have around here. But she was much nicer than the other two, and seemed much smarter, too, so I was content with that).

She asked whether I’d like to pick up my diploma at the office. Or whether they should just mail it over.

Continue reading “Ph.D. Madness: Postscriptum”

Work Weekend

Dear Friday Night Crowd,

since the last conversation is still going strong and since I completely missed conversation hour last night because I was somewhere in the lost empire of Al-Andaluz hunting footnotes, and since there were no new topic suggestions, how about we take a break this week and instead continue to amplify the collection of links and shows that we started this past week?

This weekend, I’m tied up in work, prepping a commission meeting for Monday (I am typing these lines sitting at the library), but if you have any topic suggestion for next week, please post it in the comments.

And now I’ll try to think up a question to ask the cute librarian with the glasses who just started her shift at the information desk…

A great weekend to all of you!